9th Informal Proteomic Meeting

November 30 – December 1, Mělník, Masaryk Cultural House

The meeting will officially start on Thursday, November 30, after lunch and end on Friday, December 1, with lunch.
Social event on Thursday evening will celebrate 20 years of CZproteo (Proteomic section of CSBMB).


Meeting brochure

Registration is closed.

Abstracts for oral presentations (15-20 min incl. discussion) and short presentations in „333“ format (3 results containing slides, 3 minutes of presentation, 3 minutes for discussion) are accepted. Official language of the meeting is English.

The pre-conference program will involve a workshop by Thermo Fisher Scientific/Pragolab about news in Proteome Discoverer 3.1 on Thursday, November 30, 10 a.m. [Pragolab workshop program and registration here]. A workshop by Bruker about latest developments in ultra-high sensitivity proteomics and Proteoscape will take place on Friday morning [program, no registration needed].

The winner of the Josef Chmelik prize for the best proteomic paper in 2022 will present her/his work on Thursday evening.

The conference will involve a general assembly with a vote of five members of the Executive committee for the next four years. We encourage CSBMB members working in all regions of the Czech Republic and at all stages of their scientific career who are willing to voluntarily serve the Czech proteomic community to submit their motivation letter (ca half A4 page) to proteomicscz@gmail.com by November 17, 2023.

The participants remain responsible for their accommodation and travel costs. Housing in Mělník.

Local host is Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences.

The conference remains free of the registration fee thanks to our sponsors:

Platinum: Bruker, Thermo Fisher Scientific / Pragolab

Gold: Amedis, Phenomenex

Silver: Beckman Coulter, Eppendorf
